The Patrol is a private non-profit (501c3 charitable) organization, and we rely heavily on private donations for our support. If you would like to become a Patrol Supporter, you can send your donation to the address below or click here. Following is a list of contributor categories:
Sponsor: $50 + (receives “Sponsor” decal)
Patron: $500 +(receives “Patron’ decal)
Benefactor: $1,000 + (receives “Benefactor” decal plus invite for 2 to Lake Shore Cocktail Party)
President’s Club: $2,500 +(receives “Pres Club” decal plus invite for 4 to Lake Shore Cocktail Party)
Golden Anchor Society: $5,000 + (receives “Golden Anchor’ decal plus invite for 6 to Lake Shore Cocktail Party and a private ride on Patrol boat)
Admiral’s Circle: $10,000 + (receives “Admiral’s Circle” decal plus invite for 6 to Lake Shore Cocktail Party and private ride on Patrol boat, plus two comp tickets to annual Nautical Night Dinner/Auction.
Invitations to the Annual Lakeshore Cocktail Party will be mailed to all who contribute at or above the Benefactor level.